Welcome, my name is Sarah Christy.
I share stories. My husband and I were married at 19 and have been married for over 50 years. We started a nonprofit, had a blended family of adopted and bio kids, and enjoyed adventures. This is our life together. Through my stories I want to encourage you to keep going. Even if you don’t have the answers you might find the answers on the road.
About the Author
Sarah Christy, always a reader, decided to pursue writing as a retiree. Participating in OLLI classes at Bradley University she discovered her voice through writing.
She has spent her life serving others by expressing her Christian faith through her life choices. Sarah and her husband, Boyd, have enjoyed parenting two bio children as well as four biracial adopted children. Trained as a lay Stephen Minister and GriefShare facilitator, Sarah has walked with others in difficult times. Today she is the primary caregiver for her husband who suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease. Enjoy her view of life, always honest and uplifting; she will leave you with hope for the journey.
I love sharing a good story or a new insight.
I’m a gal who loves a good story. I enjoy hearing them and sharing them. I find humor or absurdities in much of life. Our days can be hard and for a brief moment a story can give some encouragement, trigger a smile, connect with someone or validate your own feelings.
Stories help us on life's journey.
Grab the book
Two small-town sisters found themselves confronted by untimely deaths, war, divorce, and major illness. Author Sarah Christy tells the story of their journey to build a legacy in memory of a son & nephew who taught them to embrace each day with zest and courage. First, was a camp for children with cystic fibrosis which led to the origination of a weekend retreat for stroke survivors and their caregivers. The idea grew into a national non-profit, United Stroke Alliance, serving communities around the country. This memoir will warm your heart and remind you of the goodness of being with others.
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