Welcome, my name is Sarah Christy.
I share stories. My husband and I were married at 19 and have been married for over 50 years. We started a nonprofit, had a blended family of adopted and bio kids, and enjoyed adventures. This is our life together. Through my stories I want to encourage you to keep going. Even if you don’t have the answers you might find the answers on the road.
I love sharing a good story or a new insight.
I’m a gal who loves a good story. I enjoy hearing them and sharing them. I find humor or absurdities in much of life. Our days can be hard and for a brief moment a story can give some encouragement, trigger a smile, connect with someone or validate your own feelings.
Stories help us on life's journey.
Grab the book
Two small-town sisters found themselves confronted by untimely deaths, war, divorce, and major illness. Author Sarah Christy tells the story of their journey to build a legacy in memory of a son & nephew who taught them to embrace each day with zest and courage. First, was a camp for children with cystic fibrosis which led to the origination of a weekend retreat for stroke survivors and their caregivers. The idea grew into a national non-profit, United Stroke Alliance, serving communities around the country. This memoir will warm your heart and remind you of the goodness of being with others.
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